Running Java in the Database

This tutorial shows you how to develop and run Java programs in the Database.

Approximately 30 minutes


This tutorial covers the following topics:


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Stored procedures allow the exploitation of capabilities of relational database management systems (RDBMSs) to their fullest extent. Stored procedures simplify database programming, improvise performance, provides central management of data logic, and optimizes network traffic.

Java for Stored Procedures

The Java language is by design an object-oriented programming language that has a built-in security mechanism and an efficient garbage collection system. Java also has a rich and very large set of standard libraries which results in quicker and lower-cost applications development. With Java stored procedures, developers have the ability to harness all above stated powers of Java when building database applications.

The following OBE is based on the book Oracle Database Programming using Java and Web Services written by Kuassi Mensah. The description of the book is available at and the code samples available on OTN at

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Before you perform this tutorial, you should:


Install Oracle Database 11g


Download and Install JDK 6.0 from Sun


Download and unzip the file into your working directory (i.e.wkdir)

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Using the following steps load in the database using the default server-side connection (conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection:");) and then execute it using the procedure TrimLobProc:


Open a terminal window and change to the directory where you unzipped the files. Execute the following command:

loadjava -u hr/hr      



Open a terminal window and change to the directory where you unzipped the files. Execute the following command:

drop table basic_lob_table;
create table basic_log_table (x varchar2 (30), b blob, c clob);



Execute the procedure TrimLobProc using the following commands:

set serveroutput on
call dbms_java.set_output(50000);
call TrimLobProc();


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Because data types in SQL and data types in the Java programming language are not identical, mapping transfers data between an application using Java types and a database using SQL types. Using the following steps map various SQL types to/from corresponding Java types:


Map oracle.sql.char to SQL CHAR. Execute the TypesTab.sql and orasqlCHAR.sql scripts:




Mapping CLOB locator to/from java.sql.Clob. Execute the XobTypesTab.sql and ClobMap.sql scripts:




Mapping REF Cursor to java.sql.ResultSet. Execute the ResultSet.sql script:




Mapping VARRAY to Scalar SQL Type, Number. Execute the XVARRAY.SQL and NumVarray.sql scripts:



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Perform the following steps to invoke a Java application using ojmjava or PL/SQL wrapper:


Setting up the database table. Execute the Workers.SQL script:




Invoking Java in the Database using ojmjava, which is an interactive command-line utility which can run Java classes in the database from the client machine. The ojmjava uses the JDBC connection to create a database session to pass a byte array from ojmjava client to ojmjava server where the main method of the user class is executed. The ojmjava server then passes the output back to the client. From your terminal window, execute the following commands:

ojvmjava -thin -user hr/hr
Java Workers 621 "Senior VP" 650000  



Invoking Java in Database using the PL/SQL wrapper. From your terminal window, execute the following commands:

sqlplus hr/hr
create or replace procedure WorkerSp
  (wid IN varchar2, wpos in varchar2, wsal in varchar2) as
  language Java name 
call WorkerSp('621','Senior VP','650000');  


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Object Type Call Spec can publish public static member methods of an object type using the STATIC keyword. However, unlike any other PL/SQL packaged Call Spec, using the MEMBER keyword Object Type Call Spec can also publish non-static instance methods.Using following steps create and test an Object Type Call spec:


Invoking Java in Database using the PL/SQL wrapper. From your terminal window, execute the @BasicObjTyp.sql script:



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You can achieve the best execution performance for Java by using binary executables, which are obtained by compiling Java source code using JIT compilers and/or static compilers. Starting with Oracle Database 11g OJVM uses a JIT compiler which allows dynamic selection, native-compilation, and execution of most frequently used Java methods hence leading to better performance and manageability compared to NCOMP used in Oracle Database 10g. You can display the benefits of JIT compilation compared to interpretation of Java application using the following steps:


From your terminal window, execute the @JITDemo.sql script:


Notice the timing ratio between interpreted and compiled code


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In OracleJVM the states of Java objects, used for specific needs, are preserved in various specific memory ares (such as Newspace, Oldspace, Runspace, Stackspace, Sessionspace) called "object memories".Perform the following step to display various Java memory areas


From your terminal window, execute the @memtest.sql script:



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In this tutorial, you learned about the following:

bullet Load and Run a Java Application in the Database
bullet Map a SQL Type to a Java Type
bullet Invoke Java in the Database
bullet Illustrate an Object Type Call Spec
bullet Compile Java with JIT
bullet Display Java Memory Areas

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